Exploring Adobe Lightroom Mobile and Desktop

Shoot, Upload, Edit and Sync on the Go!


 Course starts February 3, 2025
Unlimited course access - Access to course as long as platform is active

Learn how to take Lightroom with you wherever you go with our comprehensive 4-week course
"Exploring Adobe Lightroom Mobile and Desktop"
 led by photography pro Holly Jansen

     Self-paced with 2 live Zoom sessions 2/11/25 and 2/20/25 4PM PST    
Zoom sessions are recorded and made available for playback    

Seats are limited to 30 students    
Cost: $159

Course Summary

Learn How to Import and Edit with Cloud based Lightroom desktop and Lightroom for Mobile while syncing across all of your devices at your desk or on the go.

Holly shares her favorite tips, tricks, and techniques with both Lightroom Desktop and Mobile that will give you the ability to make your pictures sing. Learn how to capture, edit and sync stunning landscapes, dynamic long exposures, breathtaking skies, beautiful macros, fun panoramas, and much more.    

With Holly’s expert guidance, you’ll  discover the magic of the Adobe Cloud and all you can do with it. Using the syncing ability of Lightroom Mobile and desktop makes it easy to travel with just a pad or phone and still be able to upload your images to the cloud and have them on your desktop when you get home.

Course Outline

In this 4 part class, learn the ins and outs of Cloud based Lightroom desktop and Lightroom for Mobile and how to sync across all of your devices at your desk or on the go.  

• Easy-to-use sliders and presets let you create photos that look just the way you want.
Start on mobile, web, or desktop — your edits will be automatically synced across all of your devices.  

• The objective of this class is to learn to use the organization and editing functions of the cloud based Lightroom and seamlessly sync your edits and collections between your devices.

• In each class, we will be working with both the desktop and mobile versions of Lightroom so you can see how the whole system works together.  

• You will learn how to use Lightroom’s powerful photo search and organizational features to find any photo you might need. 

• You will learn how to edit your photos to make them look their best. Even a small amount of editing can work wonders and set your photos apart from the crowd.

• We will explore some one-click editing options, learn how to solve some of the most common photo problems, and also learn about some of the more advanced editing tools in Lightroom.  

• You will learn how to export your photos and create watermarks with Lightroom and Lightroom for Mobile.

• We will talk about creating and sharing via a simple social media post, email or Lightroom web albums.

• We’ll also explore the community and learning resources that are built right in to Lightroom.

• We will talk about traveling with Lightroom Mobile and how to upload pictures directly to your device and have them show up on the current version of Lightroom and/or Lightroom Classic when you return to your desktop computer.  

Also Included in this 4 Part class:

Importing and exporting images
Image organization Albums and Folders
Navigating through the menu items
Editing and key wording
Working with Raw images
White balance
Balancing contrast with Highlights and Shadows tools
Mastering curves
Using the Adjustment Brush tools
Sharpening and noise reduction
Converting to black and white
Use of editing presets Creating Albums Sharing images    

 Course Requirements 
- Two Subscription options with Adobe.com:

- Lightroom 1TB US $9.99/mo
Lightroom for desktop, mobile and web with other Creative Cloud services.
- Photography Plan 1TB US$19.99/mo
Lightroom for desktop, mobile, and web plus Lightroom Classic and Photoshop on desktop and iPad.

More information at this Adobe Link.


 Video and text instruction features everything you need to know about LIghtroom Mobile and Desktop. Students have access to course content for 60 days. 


During the course there will be 2 live Zoom sessions with the insturctor to answer questions, watch live demonstrations and get feedback. 


During the course, you can reach out to connect with the instructor, getting  support and feedback on assignments for each session.


"I want to thank you for this class and for your patience and availability to answer all of my questions.  I have learned very much through this class.  I have used Lightroom in the past, but mostly for editing images.  I now have a better grasp in the organization of my images, an even better understanding of editing images, and an understanding of the value of presets.  I still have a lot to learn, but this has put me on the road to be able to improve my photography.    
Again, thank you!"  
- Dale Y.

"I am so fortunate and blessed to know you and have you as my photo coach and friend. Thank you for all your expert advice, superb teaching skills and organization of my Lightroom program. My confidence level in photography always improves after each class. I appreciate it so so much."    
-Bryan F.

Exploring Adobe Lightroom Mobile and Desktop

$159 USD

  • Shoot, Upload, Edit and Sync on the Go!

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Holly Jansen

Holly Jansen has a life long passion for photography. Since she was a little girl, Holly has been exploring her fascination with light through photography since her family attended workshops with Ansel Adams in Yosemite Valley.

Holly honed her skills through years of traveling the world and photographing natural landscapes displaying her work along with her husband, Mark Jansen, in galleries and art shows throughout Southern California. She has been teaching landscape photography and digital editing workshops throughout the American West and Iceland since 2006.

Currently, Holly offers online and Zoom workshops in Lightroom Classic, Adobe Lightroom, iPhone photography, and camera functions. Holly mentors private photography clients in Southern California where she lives.

Holly’s Website: www.hollyjansenphotography.com

Facebook – Holly Jansen Photography

Instagram – Photography Explorations